Facial is skin care for your future brightened self - without wrinkles and pimples!
In our salon we use the amazing German Janssen Cosmetics, which does not test its products on animals. It creates and innovates the composition of all products to be the best at all costs.
We have great results with the Janssen Cosmetics brand and only the best experience, which is why we have been using it exclusively for several years.
What is the 80/20 indicator?
This is an indicator of how important it is to take care of your skin at home.
80% is the most important home care, so it is possible to buy our recommended products from us.
And 20% is the time you reserve for yourself, for relaxation or rest on our cosmetic bed.
Jak často absolvovat kosmetiku?
Doporučená minimální doba je každé 4 týdny – je to doba, za kterou se obnovuje pokožka. Ovšem nevadí, když nás navštívíte i po 5 až 6 týdnech.
Hodně aknózní pleť ale může docházet po 2-3 týdnech a postupně interval prodlužovat s tím, jak se bude pokožka zlepšovat.
Barča doporučuje: přes podzim sniž rohovou vrstvu chemickým peelingem
What beauty treatment packages do we provide?
Express skin treatment
Express skin treatment is suitable for people with problematic skin who need to be thoroughly cleansed, and massage is not suitable for them. It is intended for people who are in a hurry and need total cleaning.
- 50 min
- 850 CZK
Long treatment “I LOVE ME “
This treatment is suitable for clients who want to cleanse their face and at the same time take the time to relax. The treatment includes cleansing and massaging the décolleté, face, head and eye area.
We have many variants of cream and algaemasks to choose from.
- 80 min
- 1 400 CZK
Laser ošetření akné/jizvy/lifting
Jedná se o ošetření laserem, který využívá tří současně působících fyzikálníní faktory (pulzní magnetické pole, nízkovýkonové laserové světlo a LED světlo) ke spuštění metabolických procesů, které způsobují regeneraci kožních buněk. Viditelný efekt pro jednom použití.
- Délka ošetření: 20 minut
- Cena ošetření: 200 Kč
Chemical peeling
We do chemical peeling only in the winter months, from November to February, and it is good for reducing the stratum corneum. Chemical peeling is also more than suitable for acne and very scarred skin.
We work with fruit acids, the skin does not peel after application. The treatment is painless, you may feel “pinching”.
ATTENTION! During the treatment, it is necessary to protect the skin every day with sunscreen.
Version A and B – see more in price list